I’m Willful and I’m skillful
I’m d d d delightful
And I find myself mixed
Between beauty and the beast
Kill them quick is my motto
Than police take a photo
Than police take a photo
On a sunny side of street
The wolf I like the most
He refused to be a dog
He refused to be a dog
Just like Lesi was
Just show me a bloke
And in seconds I ‘ll choke
In second like tomato
Like tomato I’ll squeeze
I’m hit and I’m fitAnd
I never never quit
When I bleed I bleed
Like James Cagny on the screen
I shit and I spit
And I don’t care a bit
I am proud and I happy
Cos I am not a human been
I never feel sadness
I never feel pain
With my cunning and with my stealth
I don’t need a brain
5 comentaris:
Per què les cançons sempre ens recorden l'inici d'alguna cosa????
Deuen formar part de la nostra vida... no? ;)
i no em diguis que no són rarus rarus aquests gitanus que surten!
No res, no he vist la peli però passo a saludar-te i agraïr-te el teu bon rollete ;-))
Uahaha! I la banda sonora del Goran Bregovic! Com m'agrada aquest home!!
a vegades també et recorden el final...però sí, formen part de la nostra vida
rarus raríssims Clint...però al mateix temps singulars i carismàtics
bon rollete???
merci per la visita...des de desembre que no et "veia". Com va tot?
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